tony; 20↑; he/they
mainly mobages+various animangas
likes art, long naps, merch collecting, kaomojis o(´∀`)
also likes
seiyuu, k-pop, BL, OCs, free!, hypmic, haikyuu, persona 5, dream!ing, idolm@ster series, paralive, b-project, i-chu, tsukipro, AAside, dankira, enstars, hunter x hunter, kimetsu no yaiba, golden kamuy, one piece, fate, dcmk, jojo, etc
i have many interests & you might see me rt/twt things not from here!
a3!: banri, azami, chikage, tenma, masumi, akigumi
mhyk: mithra, figaro, cain
twst: leona, malleus, silver, ruggie
hpmc: ichiro, samatoki, dice, doppo, bat, mtc
before you follow
RT/like heavy
can be inactive at times due to school
sometimes i will sb if i feel uncomfy or if we never interact
please sb when unfollowing
do not follow if
you fit the usual dfi criteria
you get into unnecessary discourse/drama a lot
you repost art without permission